How to Redirect BlogSpot Blog to Another Blog (Simple Trick)

Most bloggers start their Blogging with BlogSpot Blog only. He makes many Blogspot blogs for blogging. And also work on that blog for a few months/years, gradually, they then migrate to WordPress using Self Hosting Plan on WordPress. And create your own WordPress Blog. The last thing is of traffic. Where the traffic comes from, it can not even leave Traffic of its Blogspot blog. That’s why we have to send BlogSpot Traffic to our new blog.


How to Redirect BlogSpot Blog to Another Blog (Simple Trick)

By which our efforts do not go away and as a result, our Old Blog Readers become Automatic Redirect on our new blog. And this is a good idea. So today we will know how to redirect BlogSpot Blog to another blog. Follow the simple step below.


How to Redirect Blogspot to Another Blog

Ste 1. Go to Blog Click on Theme >>> Edit HTML

Search the code below at your Blog HTML Template File.

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>


Step 2. Paste this code just below the code you searched for.

<meta content=’0;url=’ http-equiv=’refresh’/>


Edit Template to Redirect Your Blog to Another Blog

According to the above image, go to your BlogSpot blog. The blog you want to redirect. After that click on the Theme Option >>> Edit HTML button. After clicking on the Edit HTML button, an XML Template Coding window will open in front of you. Then you have to find this code given by pressing CTRL + F in the code that is <b: include data = ‘blog’ name = ‘all-head-content’ />. After getting the given gate code, you have to paste this redirection code immediately below that code to <meta content = ‘0; url = http: //’ http equiv = ‘refresh’ />. Remember, by removing, you need to add the URL address of your new blog.

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After that, you save the Template by clicking on the “Save Template” button. Then click on View Blog to test whether the blog was redirected or not. As soon as you click on View Blog A few seconds later, the blog will automatically refresh. Your new blog will be an automatic redirect once it’s refreshed.

I hope you have liked this related blog Blog Traffic Redirect. If you have any problems or any questions then you can ask me through comment. Please share this post on the Social Site.